Tagged: relationships

An Open Letter to Men 0

An Open Letter to Men

In this Open Letter to men, justmari a Fetlife user and actually, a males friend explains the Gender inequality and tries to get you to think differently.

Care About Your Safety! 0

Care About Your Safety!

I am always astounded by careless attention to personal safety particularly when it comes to men. I have a few sons and they scoff at me when I tell them that they should be careful

A Polyamory Practical Guide 0

A Polyamory Practical Guide

What are the most common questions and issues that arise from living a polyamory lifestyle, this section will attempt to answer a few of the common practical questions.
I am considering opening my monogamous relationship, how should I go about it?

I Wanna Try Being a Dom Or Do I? 0

I Wanna Try Being a Dom Or Do I?

you have come here because you have asked yourself “I Wanna Try Being a Dom Or Do I?”. It’s super exciting! It makes your boy parts get all tingly and shit. That’s awesome truly! I want to encourage you to explore this new found side of you

Bisexual people face their own set of challenges 0

Bisexual people face their own set of challenges

The difference between bisexual and gay people at work presents a stark reality. While a majority of gay and lesbian people are out at work, nearly 4 in 10 bi people are not. Broken down further, half of bi men (49%) and a third of bi women (34%) are not out.

The Do's and Do NOT's - Running Into a Fetlifer in the Real World 0

The Do’s and Do NOT’s – Running Into a Fetlifer in the Real World

I had been in the store walked the isles and picked up a few bits got to the check out and was 2nd in line when I heard a shout from behind the till from a guy saying oh are the the guy that was naked in that bed sheet the other night at Filth….. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HERE A HOLE OPENED UP.