Sybian sex machine
According to its inventor Dave Lampert, the Sybian was first conceived in the 1970s but it was not until 1983 that he began to develop the idea further. A prototype was built in 1985 from sheet metal mounted on a wooden frame with a vibrator projecting through an opening inside the housing; a second prototype became the basis for current production models.
Lampert and his team initially called the device Master Better, shortened to “MB” for about four years before selecting a new name for it. The prefix syb was derived from Sybaris, an Ancient Greek city in southern Italy which was associated with luxurious living. It is currently manufactured by Abco Research Associates in Monticello, IL.
The success of the Sybian in helping many women achieve orgasm more easily than through traditional intercourse with a man is believed to be the absence of the vigorous thrusting motion usually associated with coitus, which provides the proper stimulation for a man to achieve orgasm, but is generally not the stimulation required for most women to achieve orgasm.
Lampert has stated that “the greatest hoax played upon the world is the importance of the male stroking during intercourse…used in nearly all male/female porno material” citing studies which show that only about a third of all women say thrusting feels good, to a degree, and that only 18% say they believe they can have an orgasm from any form of stroking.
From his research and experience, Lampert came to realise that the woman-superior position during intercourse works best for female orgasm and that stimulation is enhanced when the penis remains fully inserted and the woman rocks her pelvis forward and backward, making contact with the sensitive G-spot, located on the front wall of the vagina, anterior to the location of the exterior clitoris.
With this in mind, Lampert designed the Sybian to help women become proficient in the woman-superior (Girl on top) position. For many women, the external vibrations along the clitoris produced by the Sybian while in the woman-superior position are enough to easily stimulate clitoral orgasms. In addition, the optional penetrating attachments gently rotate to stimulate the vaginal walls and G-spot at variable speeds while also vibrating to help a woman learn how to have multiple, G-spot orgasms. Women are also instructed to rock their pelvis forward and back while using the Sybian with a penetration attachment to enhance stimulation of the G-spot along the front wall of the vagina.
Once a woman has developed her G-spot sensitivity in this way, she often requires minimal stimulation of the G-spot to become multiple orgasmic. Thus, the Sybian functions not only as a masturbation device, but as a training device to prepare the woman for greater pleasure during intercourse in the woman-superior position with a man of any penis size